Saturday, June 21, 2008

izit the same???

dog is still a dog, cat is still a cat, crocodile is still crocodile, sun is still on our top, duck is still a duck.......tree is still a tree, frog is still a frog, chocolate is still a chocolate, mouse is still a mouse, the car is still function as a car, grass still on the ground, air is still everywhere, the boat is stilla boat, paper still paper, television is still television, doll is still doll, a cup is still a cup, toilet bowl is still the shit going to, lamp is still a lamp, water is still that mportant for human, bed is stilla bed, towel is still a towel, paper still paper, books still books, belt is still a belt, number 9 is still number 9, the word "word" is still pronounce as the word "word" but not pronounce as "ring"..........

well, after all, all these nonsense is still seems remaining nonsense, but, are they really nonsense?

everything seems like to be the same, are you? am i???

copy from XY' blog 2006

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